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Frankfort Girls Softball

Frankfort Girls Softball

Frankfort Girls Softball
For Parents, Players and Coaches

Parents, players, coaches and fans represent the FGS Softball Association when our teams play and practice. The actions of one of us affect the image of all of us. As a reminder, we are dealing with “amateur athletic recreation, strictly for enjoyment… not a life and death matter.” This FGS Code of Conduct encourages us to work together to play with good sportsmanship and to treat players, parents, fans, coaches, and umpires with respect. This Code also identifies the possible consequences we will encounter when we do not behave appropriately.
Treat Umpires with Respect

·        There are no circumstances in which a coach, parent, fan or player should confront an umpire during or after a game. Coaches must engage umpires in a respectful manner consistent with the rules of the sanctioning body (e.g., (ASA) Amateur Softball Association)

·        Do not verbally harass an umpire. If you disagree with a call, do so quickly, calmly and let it go. Umpires will make mistakes and it is only a game.

·        Coaches will be held responsible for ensuring that parents comply with this portion of the Code of Conduct. A coach who, in the opinion of the Umpire or other FGS Board Member, fails to control unruly parents / fans will be subject to suspension. Suspension periods will be determined by the FGS Board of Directors.

Treat Your Team with Respect

·        Softball is not an individual sport – it is a team sport. Bear this in mind at all times.

·         Ensure that your child/player and all of her equipment get to games and practices on time.

·        Pick up your child/player promptly at the end of games, practices or other team functions. Do not make the coaches wait for you.

·        Disagreements with the coach do not belong on the field before, during or after a game or practice. Questions and comments should be voiced later in an adult atmosphere.

·        A coach’s decision about position, strategy, tactics, etc., consistent with this Code of Conduct and the rules set forth by the FGS Board, is final.

·        Coaches will follow the rules for His/hers division as posted on the FGS website under “Rules”.

Treat Our Coaches, Players and Opponents with Respect

·        Whether you win or lose, do so with class. When you interact with others, do so with class.

·        Encourage each and every player with positive comments.

·        Coaches are in charge of overall team direction and instruction during play and practice. Parental criticism or advice for other players is usually not well received by the player, coach or the player’s parents.

·        Never criticize or yell at a player on your team or the opposing team. Consider how you would feel if you were that player’s parent.

·        Avoid confrontations or shouting matches with coaches, parents or fans from your team and an opposing team.

·        Constant yelling is very irritating to the people around you (even if you think your comments are positive).

·        Coaching your child or any other player from the stands is not permitted. 

·        Standing directly behind home plate on the outside of the fence and commenting to players or umpires is not permitted. 

·        Alcohol, tobacco, drugs, profanity or fighting are never permitted at softball games or practices. 

Treat Our Facilities with Respect

·        FGS is very serious about the quality and condition of our fields and the fields of other towns in which may play. Treat all fields as if they were your own FGS field regardless of their condition.

·        Parents are not allowed to enter the field of play unless invited to enter by the umpire or teams head coach. Entering the field of play in anger will be considered a threat and law officials may be called and charges brought against the offender. Parents may enter the field of play to assist their injured player.

·        If you are in doubt about the condition of a field, stay off the field and contact the FGS Field Director or FGS President.

·        Obey all signage and instructions regarding use of the facilities.

·        Vandalism in any form will not be tolerated.

·        Clean up after yourself and your children, especially in the stands and restrooms. Do not allow your children to play in the restrooms.

·        The softball complex is a sports facility - it is not a playground. Coaches and board members are not baby sitters.  Keep your non-playing children under control and off the playing field.

Internet/Social Media
While the internet is helpful to disseminate a lot of information quickly to a lot of people, it can also be an outlet for misuse and misconduct.  At no time will a FGS player be allowed to post messages or comments pertaining to any softball item to online chat rooms, blogs, bulletin boards, etc.  This behavior is unacceptable by any player and may reflect negatively against the reputation and integrity of you, your family and Frankfort Girls Softball.  Message boards that should avoid any comments include, but aren’t limited to YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, etc.  All negative comments should be reported to your coach or Division Commissioner immediately and appropriate action will be taken.  FGS Players may post appropriate videos or pictures of team games or positive comments about your team or FGS, if desired, but extreme care should be taken when choosing what and where to post. If in doubt, don’t post it!
All Star Teams

·        All Star teams are competitive teams that play in post-season All Star tournaments. Players are selected for an All Star team by the league In-House Fusion coaches.

·        No guarantee of field position or place in the batting order will be made for any All-Star player.

·        If a player quits or is removed from an All Star team for any reason, no refund of fees will be made. If the player quits the All Star team, eligibility for future All Star teams may be forfeited.

·        Parents of All Star players are expected to publicly support the coaches, the other players and the team as a whole at all times.  

Grievances and Consequences

·        The Commissioner for your age group is the first person you should contact if you feel a parent’s, spectators, players or coach’s behavior warrants corrective action. The Commissioner will attempt to resolve or correct the issue, but may refer it to FGS Board for further investigation and remedy.

·        The FGS Board (composed of the President, Vice-President, Division Commissioner, Treasurer and League Secretary) may impose penalties including reprimands and suspension of playing / coaching / spectator privileges. Any appeals shall be made to the full FGS Board of Directors.

·        If the FGS Board determines that the behavior in question warrants extended suspensions or expulsion from the association, the matter will be referred to the full FGS Board of Directors for further action. Actions may include suspension from the field for a determined period of time to a permanent suspension from the field. Players may be suspended from a period of one game to permanent suspension from the FGS program.

·        The Amateur Softball Association (or other sanctioning body) may respond to certain actions that involve physical contact or verbal confrontations that take place during sanctioned events (e.g., league tournaments, travel tournaments, all star tournaments). The sanctioning bodies have the authority to impose suspensions above and beyond those imposed by the Frankfort Girls Softball Association.

·        In the event of suspension or expulsion from a team or the association, no refund of registration or sponsorship fees will be made.

Signature: As a coach or parent of a player in the Frankfort Girls Softball Association, I acknowledge:

·        That I have read, understand and will adhere to this Code of Conduct;

·        That my continued participation in association activities, as well as the participation of my children, is contingent upon my ability (and that of my immediate and extended family) to adhere to this Code of Conduct; and

·        That I will help my fellow parents and coaches when, in the heat of the moment, they need to be reminded of their commitment to this Code of Conduct.

I understand that I am signing this form on behalf of my spouse, relatives or friends that attend any FGS function.  I further attest that it is my responsibility to inform these individuals of the Code of Conduct as they too will be held to the FGS Code of Conduct
 __________________________________          ________________________________________
 #1 Signature- Parent / Guardian        #1 Print Name – Parent / Guardian
__________________________________           _______________________________________
#2 Signature- Parent / Guardian         #2 Print Name – Parent / Guardian
___________________________________          ______________________________________
Player’s Name                                                 Age Group
___________________________________          ______________________________________
Player’s Name                                                Age Group
___________________________________          ________________________  ______________
Player’s Name                                               Age Group
___________________________________         ______________________________________
Coach’s Signature                                       Print Coach's Name
****At least one parent/guardian must have a signed or e-accepted this Code of Conduct on file with the FGS to have your child play or a parent to coach in the FGS program****



Frankfort Girls Softball
P.O. Box 37 
Frankfort, Illinois 60423

Email: [email protected]

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